Ferrincell ijzerpyrofosfaat draagt bij tot een normale cognitieve functie en vermindering van vermoeidheid en moeheid

Iron pyrophosphate


5 mg elemental iron
90 V-caps.

Article number

Ferrincell iron pyrophosphate


Ferrincell iron pyrophosphate, micro-encapsulated for increased bioavailability

Contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells

Iron pyrophosphate formulated through innovative technology, which encapsulates the iron in a shell of natural phospholipids and sucrose.
This technology has several advantages:
• Increased bioavailability;
• No interaction with other nutrients;
• No pro-oxidant effect;
• Effective with malabsorption, such as coeliac disease.

Iron contributes to a normal:

•  Formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin;
•  Transport of oxygen in the body;
•  Energy-generating metabolism;
•  Functioning of the immune system;
•  Cognitive function.
Iron also contributes to reduction of fatigue and tiredness.

And iron also plays a role in the cell division process.